Towards the democratic rupture: the Platform by the right to decide, rejects the statute in the referendum.
Every time there are more voices and significant, that in spite of the manipulation to compare estatut of 1979, the legitimacy of our Parliament, it was demolished doing that more of 65% of the articulated one of the text has been modified the Spanish congress. Days ago Ibarretxe already said that the sovereignty of the Basque town, and what decided freely, it did not have to happen through the scissors of the Spanish cuts, letting glimpse that the referendum after the approval of the Basque Parliament, knowing clearly in Euskadi the Basque sovereignty in its national subjects and social it is decided in Euskadi, not like aqui some.
Question nails the one of legitimacy, did not consider almost in Catalunya. In Catalunya, still there is one that wants to justify the old pujoliana tactics of the fish in the alcove, and that "we were not satisfied to breadcrumbs, we want the whole bread", and the Platform by the right to decide, marks to the way of the statutory rejection next the 18 of June, if there is no newness to the Senate that retards the date of the referendum and that the race is opened, like others, in positioning itself. Also the Platform has put trick Catalan pro-selections in favor of a null vote that what says "WE ARE a NATION yet" tolerates.
It will be necessary that the voices are unified, to give the most homogenous image and forceful possible, if we democratically want a forceful result by ricochet to the farce of plural Spain, since conscious or no, the autodeterminista process starts up, although establishment, puts all the economic and mediáticas tools to its service. What surprises more, is than lobbys of influence like the economy circle, that was sold to them that if collaborated with their influence to make swallow with a reduced statute, would obtain the OPA of Natural Gas on ENDESA. Perhaps someday, aside from the working-class who lacks a good financing to him to have an education, Nordic health and social benefits to l´estilo, that the economic elites tendrian with the economic concert, will be added to a day catalans, seeing that they, by many meals to small committee, first are deceived, and if no, already they can begin to see that E.ON takes "their pie". All together, cornudos ones and to pay the drink. And the European bottoms of cohesion finished the 2013, and right one of the aim of the economic commitment of estatutillo of Moncloa. What is vacant was '? catalana.Sólo we have left the referendum because all folds, we say that we really thought of the social and national liberties by our country.
NOTE PRESS Platform by the right to decide: Because we are a nation and we have the right to decide, By dignity, We rejected this Statute Because we are a nation and we have the right to decide, By dignity, We rejected this Estatut. The Platform By the Right To decide, Interpreting feeling d'una great part of the people and organizations that mobilized 18 of February the past and giving continuity l'acto of sovereignty and national d'afirmación that in that great manifestation I took place, Considering that it project d'Estatuto d'Autonomía of Catalunya that next will be put under referendum includes neither the aspirations nor the proposals expressed in the Manifesto with what it was summoned the manifestation of the 18 of February, Knowing full well that nor it project d'estatuto that our Parliament approved, nor the outcry massively expressed to the street by a great number of citizens and citizens has been respected by the institutions of l'Estado by good part of the Catalan political class, It decides, within the framework of the Referendum that will be summoned next, hard upon maturity an active campaign by ricochet to yes to propose l'actual d'Estatuto d'Autonomía. Assuming and supporting to all the options of vote that express this soberanista rejection, or the vote no, the null vote jeopardizes or the vote in target, which represents the diversity of the organizations and social movements of the Platform By the right To decide. Several initiatives of reaffirmation will be made and spreading of the contents of the Manifesto "We are a nation and we have the right to decide", everything vindicating a new democratic frame in what the Països Catalans can enjoy their full national freedom and the right to l'autodeterminación.La Platform By the Right To decide call all the adhered organizations and the set of the Catalan society to actively participate en'l exercise of the democratic rights and to prepare a future of national freedom without restricciones.NOTA OF PRESS: Platform by the right to decide, 24 d'abril of 2006.