Sunday, February 19, 2006

A MILLION PEOPLE STAND EVERYTHING SAYING:WE ARE ONE NATION And WE FLEW TO BE ABLE OF DECISION Or we have the process in march towards autodeterminatio

A million people stand everything saying: WE ARE ONE NATION And WE FLEW TO BE ABLE OF DECISION! . Or we have the process in march towards l´autodetermination
If the hundreds of thousands of anonymous people caused yesterday that they occupied the streets of Barcelona, Seat in Spain until Seat Catalunya, and the human riada one, filled this long space with all the great one via without getting to see the aim of people both sides, are that the nation catalana s´ha planted and or has to decide to say the sufficient thing and to based the social base towards the national and social sovereignty.
Before establishment of the socioconvergència, that denied the legitimacy of the vindications of than 600 organizations included more under the Platform by the right to decide, refusing to attend IC-psc-ciu and of course PP, having in against mass average, with one infima cover of mass average officials or deliberate concealment, with attempts d´obstrucción with coincidence of the Barça-Betis, solventat by the managements of the director of the Barça, and columnistes on salary of the "regime" which they are to receive instructions to gauche divine of the Route * veneto, to orchestrate and * desincentivant the will of simple people that we flew to be able the ámbitos(fiscalidad, tributary agency, justice, language, Catalan frame of labor relations, health, education, etc..) and that is respected the legitimacy of the Parliament of Catalunya and l´acuerdo that in its day had the consensus of 90% and that all s´han desdicho and s´han added with l´estatuto of the Moncloa of But-shoemaker, with exception d´ERC, that supported in solitaire the parliamentary arc inside, with the presence of 6 advisors and leaders.
And it is that this country s´ha planted before a Spain that nor understands to us, nor respects to us and that upon putting under the popular classes to the deficiencies of services public by the fiscal deficiency of financing due to espoli of 9% tho the PIB, labels d´insolidarios and it does not have miraments to appeal to the xenophobia using the lie, for example towards the Catalan, being the maximum exponent the PP and his around " brunete mediatic", the authentic tanks of the S.XXI. The national vector, will have to d´entrar like essential element of the directions of all the parties, because by the variety of gene, d´edades and d´os of many as much of the Castilian, everything shining estelades and señeras, presents with national normality to the historical manifestation that deprives of authority the pact of the shame of But with that its word is incomplert, Zapatero, and who leaves in evidence the PSC, he will have to make romiar very since than 150,000 voters perfectly more disillusioned of PSC and 100,000 of CIU they made fragmentation hand grenade under the motto "we are a nation and we have the right to decide", throwing by low it.
And if not they move by nation Catalan, when they see that "you feel them no longer" take them plus the hair and they do not receive his support like punishment, and s´añadan to the national normality of already convinced, the mobilized bases d´ERC, that along with people non-participant that general "happens", understood that s´ had to be before the defense of the dignity of the Catalan town. A lesson of the civil society that has given a democratic slap, civica and pacific to the class leader and l´alta bourgeoisie that invites Zapatero to undo the will of the Parliament and dares to say what touches and that to of government the country, menystenint to this often silenced social majority that is the d´este working-class country. And if the socioconvergència ignores or menysté the manifestation to d´ayer, and that day to day gains to weight occupying l´espacio of the regionalistic right of the PP, before the next disappearance of the PP in Catalunya by its own acts, and still col.*labori day to day to trim in Madrid l´estatuto of the Parliament, nowhere to retire l´estatuto with support d´*ERC, without a doubt, l´incordio of people which I feel deceived will grow arithmetically putting l´*independentisme politician to a point to touch to the sky d´una majority of the Parliament that brings to us to decide to be a BE IN FAVOR of the route quebeca. Time to the time. It arrives attached you some photographies of historical l´acontecimiento that to many us has put the hen skin, but that will have dignificado and to supposed an historical continuation of which other many had to fight years 30 because then the Generalitat was constituted and that today those that we were we gather that historical thread by the freedom like town that se´*ns has been denying for 300 years, the one of the CATALAN NATION.
Organization manifestation:
Pursuit mobilization:

Friday, February 10, 2006

Manifestation: WE ARE A NATION! SELF-determination for catalonia!

Manifestation: WE ARE A NATION! SELF-determination to the catalonia!

Manifestation: We are a nation! self-determination!
After the last mutilation of Psc-ciu-PSOE-pp-IC to the term nation to the commission of the congress of the deputies, the reasons do not exceed to support to the manifestation that summons l´izquierda independentista more alternative, with "unitary" character, that we wait for it, that it does that the day 18, also attend and has at the dificiles present moments, unit of action of the independentismo and more coherent catalanism by or of the country, we gambled much, and the little or much affluence, will mark the national thermometer of the vindications that can make rectify cuts, or to deepen them, in later readings of the economic elite and the regionalistic sociovergencia that have agreed "estatutet". Now more than ever, self-determination of the Catalan town, to the street, that knows that we are more of those than they would want and would wish.
Manifestation: We are a nation, SELF-determination! 11 february in barcelona in five hours in to the place to spain until to place catalonia rute.

MANIFESTATION "WE HAVE BEEN a MANIFEST NATION SELF-determination" OF the UNITARY CAMPAIGN BY the SELF-determination for months the politicians of the Principality of Catalunya and of the Valencian Country they are immersed in the discussion on the reforms of the respective statutes of autonomy. But, that supposes the statutes? Year 1978 the Constitution was approved to the Spanish general cuts, that fixed the ordering legal-political of the Spanish state. In order to suffocate the social and national vindications widely assumed, a small administrative decentralization settles down, by means of autonomy statutes that take step to the creation of the denominated Independent Communities. To accept the statute tolerated to accept the rules of the Spanish constitutional game, is to say to accept the limits imposed by this and admitting the basic pillars of the system: Capitalism, the negation of the national rights, the monarchy, etc.
The present reform of the statutes is born of the hand of the dominant classes, that are interested to defend them, with special intensity with respect to the financing, that the political class of the Principality sells us like the solution to the problems of the popular classes. We must be conscious that the speculation, the precariedad, the closing of companies and the deslocalizaciones, the destruction of the medio.ambiente and the terciarización, the discrimination by sort, etc. continue and will continue while neoliberal policies are applied that do not guarantee basic the social rights (education, health, house, labor stability, nourishing security, energy, equality between sexes...) and an economic model stays that it puts in front the property deprived to any social value. Also an ample sector of the Catalan society to the illegality condemns and the precarización, by means of repressive policies and of exclusion, since the autonomic powers fly to assume the immigration competitions, but in case some proposes solutions different from which already the State applies. The statutes suppose a frontal attack to the aspirations of freedom of the Catalan Countries. False identitarios symbols stay, like the imposition of the "blavera" (autonomic flag to the Valencian Country), and the negation of the unit of the language, as also the right of the autonomies refuses to federate among them.
In the same way, the autonomy statutes that propose to us marginalize the Catalan language, fix the coofficialty of the Catalan, nowhere of the full officiality, maintain the secesionismo linguistic and assure the constant diminution the use and education from the Catalan to the classrooms by the approval of state laws, the imposition of the Castilian like language to vehicular to justice and the supeditación of the linguistic uses to the capitalist market (discrimination of the Catalan in the labeled one and the audio-visual world, for example). It does not surprise, by all this, that before the present crisis of the model of estado"de the autonomies ", the state and autonomic leaders are prepared to renew this pact of sumisión.No will make us think that the statute is of all and all.
The one that we needed is a popular and democratic constituent process, by so constructing a new model of political, social, economic and labor relations to the Catalan Countries. To obtain this new model we must decide our future freely, without threats, nor you compel, that is to say, we have to exert the right to the Self-determination. NEITHER REFORMS, NOR STATUTES, SELF-determination!
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